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As a company present in three European countries and with commercial activity worldwide, we remain sensitive and alert to the impact of COVID-19.

In addition to people influenced by the disease, many others are affected indirectly, facing major changes in their lifestyles, at school, at work and in the communities where they live. These are some of the initiatives with which Omega is supporting its customers, communities and employees in this difficult time.

We serve our customers

We believe that our role in serving customers and the community at this time is crucial. To serve our customers and at the same time ensure the safety of our employees, we have changed our logistics, transportation, supply chain, purchasing and some production processes.

As a first step, we have taken specific distance measures within our offices and warehouses so that our employees can work safely. This translates into a thorough reorganization of the shifts in all departments, the implementation of remote working for 30 people and the scheduling of two shifts with different working hours.

Our customers are counting on us like never before. We are working to provide the products and services our customers need as we face a global pandemic. This includes taking several important steps to maintain accurate pricing and delivery. We have agreed to anticipate many shipments in April, May and June to overcome any transportation issues and closures by ministerial decrees. We have paid and will continue to pay all our suppliers, confirming the spirit of collaboration that unites us.

We take care of our collaborators

The health and safety of our employees is a top priority. We are taking all safety measures, as instructed by the government and local health authorities, to ensure that our employees can work properly in our facilities. We have also introduced some preventive measures in all areas to safeguard our employees: we have increased the cleanliness of our facilities, installed water-alcohol solution dispensers for hand disinfection, introduced a minimum safety distance, prevented the use of elevators, reorganized lunch hours to reduce the density in the canteen, implemented the use of masks and required couriers to maintain a safe distance.

For greatersafety, we have distributed 4,000 surgical masks to all employees, including agents from the entire sales network.

Finally, we have suspended our program of Fairs and Exhibitions for the whole year 2020, cancelling two important commitments, as well as all national and international trips.

We support our communities

In Europe, the Omega Group has allocated 10,000 € to provide concrete support for the emergency of COVID-19.

This figure includesseveral donations:

HumanitasHospital in Rozzano, an organization near our headquarter and heavily involved in the Covid-19 emergency.

Italian Civil Protection to contribute to their incredible commitment in this difficult fight against the Coronavirus.

We thought that being present in France and Spain, it was right and fair to contribute also in the other communities that welcome us.

In Lyon, wedecided to make a donation to the HCL Foundation – Hospices Civils de Lyon and the C.C.A.S – Centre Communal d’ActionSociale de Saint-Priest for the autonomous residence “Le Clairon” and in Barcelona, our contribution was sent to the Hospital Germans Trias in Badalona.

The Omega Group team

Finally, we would like to thank the people who work every day to make possible the continuity of supply of the products that our customers need. To all Omega’s colleagues and employees working in the logistics hub and offices, thank you very much!


Roberto Ciboldi

General Manager – Omega Group