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Thanks to RFID technology, the new KW2D Ø22mm series by Idec represents the ideal solution to authorize, track and control access to equipments and protected areas.

It has a sleek, modern design with 4 LED indicators visible from the sides and an auxiliary buzzer for a better user experience. This is to ensure the best visual and auditory feedback on the operating status of the equipment. Finally, in addition to the classic version for contactless cards, it is also available with support for tags.

It is compatible with many types of contactless cards (ISO/IEC 14443 type A, ISO/IEC18092, JIS X6319-4 and ISO/IEC15693) and supports 3 different communication protocols (Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP and CCLink).

In addition, the product is designed to withstand washing and oil spills thanks to an IP65/IP67 frontal protection rating, and also withstand cold temperatures with no risk of freezing (-25°C +55°C).

The perfect mix of compact technology and smart design!

Want to learn more?

Download data sheet: KW2D Series

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